Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quirky and Commonsensical

Don't you just love the word commonsensical? I do :)

I was just thinking the other day about the word quirky. Here's the definition:

quirky |ˈkwərkē|adjective ( quirkier quirkiest )characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits: her sense of humor was decidedly quirky.
So, I came up with some quirks of mine that you should know :)
\\I like my shirts folded with the sleeves tucked back, so there's not a crease down the middle when I put it on. My mom is extremely kind to humor me in this way :)
\\I don't like things in my room. Now, if you know me already, don't have a heart attack. I did literally go from being the messiest person I know to being a neat freak in one week, no joke. (for those of you who have not seen m room...up until last Saturday it looked like someone dropped a clothing bomb. Now it bugs me if there's a piece of paper out on my desk :P)
\\I place high importance on table manners. Unfortunately, no one else in our house does, and I am frequently told to "stop being so bossy/fussy/mean/rude/a jerk." Seriously. Close your mouth when you chew.
\\I really don't like straight tomatoes. I don't know why. I have eaten them in every way possible over the past few years in hopes that I would eventually like them. I don't. Fresh from the garden, cooked, frozen ... I don't really like them.
\\I wear tie riding boots rather than lace. I think they look better and they conform to my foot more.
\\I don't like people to talk to me while I'm playing the piano.
\\I smile almost obsessively. I see so many people that don't and a lot of the time it looks like they're depressed or something. But I have Jesus in my heart so I can smile all I want :)
\\I have to have someone hold the horse for me when I mount. Every time. It is a failing, and I have a reason for it, but it's a long story. Bottom line: if we're going riding, hold the horse for me.
\\I get bored with my handwriting, so I change it. Often during history homework, because it's so mindless anyway. My history teacher probably thinks something's wrong with me.
Ta-daaa!! I promise I will make Clara write something tomorrow :)

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