

Hello! I am a pretty average girl living in LaGrange, KY.

I have a little-past-shoulder length muddy gold hair (yes, I had fun writing that) and really dark blue eyes with this weird ring around them. My hair is in no particular style-unless i have it in two braids for the barn or a ponytail for anywhere else. I am 5' 3 5/8" short and more wiry than strong. I can hold y breath for almost a minute, but I can't swim underwater with my eyes open.

  I love rubber boots, mac 'n 'cheese, clean paper, smell of leather, soft-lead pencils and charcoal, tap shoes, empty stages, colors, grass, fantasy, handsprings. 

I dislike beans, detergent, high heels, blood, bugs, concrete, the word blasphemy.

I enjoy TobyMac, horses, dancing, writing, friends, preschoolers, fleece pajamas, long dresses, Christmas.

I resent war, plaigerizers, bullies, control freaks, cockroaches, hard chairs.

I am an actress, a big sister, an interpreter,  a perfectionist, a poet, a giggler, a warrior, a leader, a friend, a pupil, an artist, a dreamer, a child of God.

I mostly post things that make sense- and photography.

Leave me some comments!


Hi, this is me and I am Clara. I do not look like the person above because really I am a whole lot shorter than she is and my hair is a whole lot longer even though it is the same color basically. Also she posts things that make sense and usually I do not. She says this makes me sound like I am six and looking at this I agree but trust me I am not six because currently I am thirteen.

I like horses and I would like to be a jockey even though my mother says that it is more dangerous than monster truck racing and I think that would be too dangerous for me. Blue is my favorite color except for purplish blue. Purplish blue is not on my list of favorite things.

Morning is my favorite time of day and evening my least favorite because then I have to stop reading and sleep and really, I never like to stop reading.

I am, very sadly, allergic to flowers. This annoys me in the extreme because I love flowers and actually, I had a reaction minutes after the above picture was taken. Aggravating! No I cannot garden, but I do like flowers. I'm allergic to horses also, but that doesn't keep me away from them!

I will post about the weather only. Just joking.

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