The truth is, there is only one truth.
Weird, huh? That there can be so many things that seem true and yet there is only one source of truth.
I'm talking real truth.
Real truth doesn't morph based on your perspective. It does't mold to fit your desires. It doesn't change when you want it to, or when you don't. It doesn't adjust to new research, new visions, new views, new people.
It doesn't depend on anything.
But you depend on truth.
And there is only one source of it.
Once upon a time, God created the heavens and the earth. He chose to put man on the earth, to care for His creatures and to know Him. He wrote a perfect story of love and happiness. But Man rebelled and destroyed God's plan. They disobeyed and in so doing, they stole a life from God. They took the pure life He had offered them and corrupted it so it could not be used. But God knew they needed that life- without it, they could not enter Heaven where He was, for He could not live in the presence of sin. So He sent His Son, Jesus, to Earth. Only Jesus, sent from God, could live a perfect life to make up for the one Man had stolen. Jesus lived that life to gain heaven for us- through trial and pain, He lived perfectly, and pointed people to His Father in Heaven.
But there was more.
To rectify Man's debt, Jesus had to pay a life back to God, because God is just and cannot let sin go unpunished. So Jesus payed the debt. He died. He died the most painful death imaginable, nailed to a cross, designed for pain, so that we could be spared. He gave up the one life it cost so much for Him to get, so that we could live in peace from our sin.
But wait- there's always more.
On the day Jesus died, the devil rejoiced. Sin had won. No human could ever resist. Or so he thought. Because Jesus could not stay dead. No, He came back to life on the third day. He paid our debt. He died for us. Then He raised to life and beat the devil forever. And one day He's coming back, so that all who accept His gift of the forgiveness He can now freely offer can go home to Him.
All we have to do is tell Him that we understand.
That is the only truth that will always be true.
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