Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Astounding Utterances

Howdy, it's Me.
Okay some people think that having a bunch of siblings must be kinda crazy and I won't deny it! It is! But it's really fun and it's awesome for people who don't like to be alone.

This is my siblings not including Heidi or the baby.

There's almost always somebody who has nothing better to do than goof off. And big sister tip: learn to babysit! If you've got a bunch of siblings, it's a great way to earn money. And really seven kids isn't that much as some people.
Does anybody ever just randomly look up words to astound people with? My new favorite word:
No joke that is a word and it's a kind of lung disease. It's great because when you hear someone cough you can just be like, "Oh I hope you don't have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." and wait for them to go, "What?" I got it off this computer's dictionary. By the way that is the astounding utterance.

This is Burt trying out faux  fur at BassPro Shop, he looks chilly, doesn't he?

So if you've got a bunch of crazy sibs after you finish school you can write a book (which I am), read (which I do), read more (which I do), ride (which I do), or be kooky (which they do, and yup ya got me I do it too). 
So today my sister (not Heidi, Old Ellerkins today) has riding and sometimes I watch just to see her fall. Ha-ha, no, just joking, I'm not quite that mean. Almost, though.
Heidi says that somebody named Anna Faith had a birthday? I have no idea who you are but happy birthday regardless. And my sister just turned six on the first.

Isn't she cute? No, just kidding the below picture is the six year old.

Mary loves her birthday present. Heidi says soon she wants to put a video on here, and I'd like to see her try. :^) Just kidding she probably can but me being totally ignorant of computers I have no idea how.

Myself Which Is Clara.

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